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Our reception team will complete a pre-move Condition Survey, isolate the battery in accordance with Dangerous Goods regulations, and strategically place silica gel moisture absorbent sachets in the passenger and luggage compartments. The vehicle should be in full working order and free of any mud and dirt and the fuel gauge should register empty upon delivery to our depot. We will require a copy of your registration document or Certificate of Permanent Export and your purchase invoice, as proof of ownership. Personal effects may be stowed in the luggage compartment when shipping by container service (prohibited on roll on/roll off vessels).
If you are traveling en route we can arrange to store your vehicle in transit, or for longer periods, and defer shipment to coincide with your arrival. Alternatively we can arrange to store your vehicle on arrival at your destination or arrange the vehicle sale on your behalf receiving payment and transfer the ownership to the buyer.
Your vehicle will be carefully stowed within the container and separated from any household goods by a solid timber bulkhead (you pay only for the space your car occupies). Alternatively we can provide a “sole use” 20 ft container for your exclusive use. ACL Cargo Global is the largest BAR shipper of motor vehicles with Maersk Line and operates to regular sailing schedules with guaranteed container allocations on every vessel. We can also arrange trailer collection throughout the United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Australia and shipment by roll on/roll off car carrier service if you prefer.
Most countries require that Motor vehicles must have been owned and used for 12 consecutive months or more preceding your departure. We will obtain the necessary approval from the importing authority along with all necessary documentation. Motor vehicles destined for Australia and New Zealand are subject to a physical examination by the quarantine inspection service. It is essential that the vehicle is thoroughly cleaned and vacuumed prior to shipment, paying particular attention to the wheel arches, the underside and engine compartment and interior, passenger and boot compartments.
We take every precaution to protect your motor vehicle during storage and transit. In addition, we can advise and arrange comprehensive insurance cover for your vehicle and will help you complete all the necessary paperwork.
Our overseas partners will take care of all destination customs and quarantine formalities. Each partner has been carefully selected for their local knowledge and the quality of their destination services, and forms part of our global network of accredited FIDI specialists.
As members of the specialist Overseas Group of the British Association of Removers we are regularly assessed and are bound by the International Movers Mutual Insurance Company Limited’s advance payment guarantee scheme, for your financial protection.